Who we are

- Vincent Leloup -

We combine engineering and legal backgrounds, and a wide hands-on/on-site construction projects experience, acting at various positions within the construction team as either Contractor, Employer or Engineer.

We are experienced on all major forms of construction contracts (FIDIC, NEC, JCT, etc.), can work in English and/or French speaking environments, and are highly recognized professionals in the industry.

Our experience comes from all sides of the construction team, and from both technical/engineering and legal disciplines. We know how it is to run a complex building or infrastructure project on a daily basis. We also know how site priorities can sometimes take you away from crucial legal and financial matters. Our contract solutions services bring the right solution to your construction project needs.

We consider that contract management and administration is an essential area of a construction project management. No Project Manager can sustainably run a construction project without a close and regular look at budget and finances. Same goes with contract management and administration - that requires early and regular attention, otherwise the project is bound to under-achievement, if not failure. We make sure those running projects are equipped with the right contractual tools.

We work at all levels of a project development, from the project identification, development and procurement strategy stages (with risk identification, allocation and selection of the relevant contract forms) right through to contract formation and execution, and claim management and dispute resolution. That gives trust and confidence to our Clients – they see we are not focused on a single area such as claim management or dispute resolution services. Our interest does not lie with protracted dispute resolution proceedings and corresponding fees. But with bringing the right cost-effective solutions to our Clients’ needs. That is the only way to build long-term trust and confidence.

Our priority? Dispute prevention. Identifying risks and dealing with those before they crystallize.

Probably no better words than those from Chief Justice Warren Burger can reflect our motto.

“The entire legal profession – lawyers, judges, law teachers – has become so mesmerized by the stimulation of courtroom contest that we tend to forget that we ought to be healers of conflict”
Former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, US Supreme Court.

For more information Contact us